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Cybersecurity Tips for Small Businesses

Concerns about cyberattacks on small businesses continue to grow, and knowing how to protect your business is crucial. Because smaller businesses don’t have the same amount of security as a big businesses, they’re prime victims for cybercriminals. Keep reading to learn the best ways to keep your small business out of online danger.

Always use strong and secure passwords 

This is the most obvious and well-known cybersecurity tip, but it’s one of the most important. If you want any sort of protection from hackers, your passwords must be strong, secure and updated regularly. You can take extra precautions by having a strong password created for you online rather than creating your own. 

Never use the same password for multiple accounts 

Going along with the first tip, password security is a must. Not only should your passwords be strong and updated, but they should differ on each account. Using the same password for multiple accounts is risky because if one account is compromised, they all are. There are online password managers you can utilize to help with keeping track of the multiple passwords you have on varying accounts. 

Keep your software updated 

Outdated and old versions of apps can be more vulnerable to hacker access. A great way to keep your software secure is to install all updates for software and applications as soon as they’re made available.

Use VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) 

VPNs are made to encrypt all traffic that leaves and enters your device. Using a VPN is a smart step towards securing your business’s information. If a cybercriminal somehow hacks you and intercepts your information, it will all be encrypted data which is useless for them. 

Train your employees properly 

Being consistent with your employee is extremely important for your small business’s online safety. Make sure all employees know what precautions to take, how to use and handle business information and what the penalties are for failing to follow those rules. 

Try hacking your own system  

Hiring an IT specialist to analyze and audit your system to search for weaknesses is a great way to see what needs to be improved. Doing this will help you understand how to better protect your small business. 

Most small businesses are very under-protected when it comes to cyber safety and protecting their information. We hope you’ll follow these tips and take all the necessary precautions in order to keep your small business out of harm’s way. 

A Six Step Small Business Cybersecurity Plan


You have ventured out to achieve your dream of owning your own business. Unfortunately, there are criminals who aim to take what you have worked so hard for. These criminals aren’t what they used to be, they aren’t standing at your door, but likely anonymous and entering your business from a remote location. It can happen to anyone and this is why it’s important you have a cybersecurity plan for your business. If you are new to the cybersecurity realm, start with this simplified plan in order to protect your business.

1. Analyze Your Risks

It’s hard to know where you’re going if you don’t know where you are. You have a business to run and a hundred decisions that need to be made everyday. Either partner with a cybersecurity expert to analyze risks you currently have or educate yourself on the potential security pitfalls many business owners fall victim to.

2. Establish Security Protocols

Once you know where you are vulnerable, you have a better idea of what needs to change. Just as you have a list of protocols for the daily running of your business, so should you have a list of the best security practices your business will implement.

3. Limit Physical Access

The more hardware you have exposed, the more at risk you are for theft, employee misuse and hacking. This will help you to protect private business information and client data. Keep the hardware you have to the minimum and put physical locks on any vulnerable devices.

4. Train Employees

Your cybersecurity is only as strong as your employees. Unfortunately, they are often unintentionally the cause of security breaches. It could be from clicking on suspicious links or opening an email from an unknown source. It can happen quickly and to anyone, especially if they are not educated on cyber protection.

5. Backup Data

Some criminals may hold your data hostage unless you pay them. This is called ransomware and is one of the many reasons why it’s important to backup your data. The average cost of a cybersecurity breach for a small business is $34,000. Preemptively avoid this in order to avoid being included in this number.

6. Build a Wall of Protection

Cyber criminals will do anything they can do breach your business. Some options would be to invest in anti-virus, firewall, anti-malware and encryption software. Keeping these protection systems up to date will do wonders in keeping your business protected.

Utilize this cybersecurity plan to keep your small business safe. Did you know we offer tons of secure banking products for your business? Visit our site for more info!