Monthly Archives: May 2015

Tips to Protect Senior Citizens from Fraud

Senior citizens are often susceptible to financial fraud. Keep an eye out for these common scams.

Senior citizens are often susceptible to financial fraud. Keep an eye out for these common scams.

Everyone is at risk for financial fraud. Unfortunately, senior citizens are often more susceptible to con artist schemes because of their good credit, mental state and overall trusting attitude. These unethical individuals know that older adults are more likely to have a “nest egg” after years of hard work and saving. There are different kinds of fraud that senior citizens are especially at risk for. Milledgeville Bank wants to inform you about these frauds and how they can be avoided.

How to protect yourself and your elderly loved ones from:

Health Care Fraud

  • Never sign blank insurance claim forms.
  • Keep accurate records of all health care appointments.
  • Don’t do business with door-to-door or telephone salespeople who tell you that they have free medical services and equipment.

Counterfeit Prescription Drugs

  • Be wary of product promotions or “special deals” that may be associated with counterfeit product promotion.
  • Don’t buy medications from unlicensed online distributors. Look for a seal of approval called the Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Site (VIPPS) to make sure that it is a legitimate online pharmacy.

Funeral and Cemetery Fraud

  • Take time to shop around before making any funeral, casket, cremation or embalming service purchases.
  • Understand the difference between basic funeral home fees and additional fees.
  • Be sure that you understand the entire contract before signing. This includes purchasing agreements, contract cancellation and refund terms and your portability options for transferring your contract to other funeral homes.

Telemarketing Fraud

  • Always ask for and wait to receive written material about any offers or charity donations.
  • Don’t pay in advance for services. Wait until they are delivered or performed.
  • Don’t buy from unfamiliar companies. If a business is legitimate, they will understand that you want more information and will be happy to comply with your requests.

If you or a loved one is a victim of fraud, report it to the authorities. If any offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. When you are suspicious about a salesperson, do your research or talk to another person who can offer some perspective. Milledgeville Bank is always a resource for our customers who feel like they might be getting scammed. Contact us for more tips about how you can protect your family from fraud.

Your 5 Step Checklist to Showing Your Home

If you are showing your house soon, go through this checklist to make sure your home is in great condition!

If you are showing your house soon, go through this checklist to make sure your home is in great condition!

Home buying season is here! Streets across the country are littered with For Sale signs and excited couples have started looking for their next home. As you get ready to show your castle to prospective buyers, there are some steps you want to take to make your mohome look as appealing as possible. Milledgeville State Bank has a few tips to help you get your home ready to show.

  1. De-clutter and deep clean everything. Go through closets, storage areas and the attic to get rid of the things you don’t need. The less stuff you have around, the roomier it will seem. Then go through the house room by room and clean everything well. Having a clean house signals to potential buyers that you have cared for the home and it is in good condition.
  2. Make small fixes. If a buyer sees squeaky floorboards, cracks in woodwork and dingy walls, they will either make a lower offer or insist that everything be fixed before they move in. Don’t leave potential buyers any reason to offer less than what you are asking.
  3. Let fresh air in. People are easily turned off by unpleasant odors. Some of the worst smells you should get rid of are that of tobacco, pets, cooking and musty laundry. Scents that will attract positive attention are baked bread, cinnamon and fresh flowers.
  4. Use natural light. Pull back the curtains and let some sunshine in! Bright, open rooms feel larger and more inviting. It is also beneficial to replace your light bulbs with brighter bulbs to add some extra light.
  5. Neutralize your home. When a prospective buyer is walking through your home, they are trying to envision themselves living there. Take down some of your family photos and personal items. Fresh flowers, a bowl of fruit and fresh batches of cookies are some neutral ways to add a homey touch.

Changing homes is an exciting time! We want to help you make it go as smoothly as possible. If you are looking for a new home and need advice on your mortgage, talk to the lenders at Milledgeville State Bank. We know the area market and can help find the best option for you!