Monthly Archives: April 2020

7 Personal Cybersecurity Tips

As time goes on and technology expands, people are becoming more and more prone to cybercriminal attacks. By following some basic tips, you could avoid a multitude of problems in the future!

1. Use Strong and Varying Passwords

This is probably the most obvious and common cybersecurity tip known to web users. Don’t underestimate the importance of your password strength! Change your password every once in a while to be safe (recommended at least once a year). Also, don’t use the same password for more than one account.

2. Be Careful With Your Personal Info

Personal information, like your address, birthday or phone number, should be posted carefully. The smartest option would just be to keep as much of that information off of your social media as possible. These personal details are used by cybercriminals to locate individuals. Better safe than sorry!

3. Recognize and Stay Away From Phishing 

Phishing is when someone poses as someone they aren’t to trick people into giving them information, clicking on a dangerous link, etc. This is the most common way ransomware attacks originate. Be suspicious about the emails and messages you receive and don’t open messages from people you don’t know.

4. Utilize Two-Factor Identification

Many social media sites have two-factor identification options and most users don’t take advantage of this helpful security option. Two-factor identification prompts you to not only enter your username and password, but also another personal identification code.

5. Update Your Software

Keeping your device’s software updated might not seem like a safety-related tip, but both businesses and consumers have suffered from hackers due to not updating. Try turning on the automatic updates offered on your device.

6. Say No to Public Wi-Fi

Using public Wi-Fi if it’s available seems like a no-brainer. What most people don’t realize is how much easier it is for cybercriminals to access your accounts and devices when you’re connected to a public Wi-Fi network. Consider using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to protect your device while using public W-Fi.

7. Install Trusted Apps Only

Not all applications are safe, and not all of them can be trusted. Check reviews and ratings before installing anything you’re unfamiliar with!

Don’t let yourself fall into the statistics of those dealing with cybercriminals! Protect your devices, accounts and personal information by following these tips and always being cautious online.

6 Money Tips to Prevent Spring Stress

Research shows that money is the number one cause of stress among Americans. Balancing your expenses and managing your spending habits can be tricky, but we’ve come up with six great tips to help keep that stress away.

1. Track What You’re Spending

Keeping track of what you spend money on is a great way to analyze your spending habits and make changes. Sometimes you don’t realize what spending problems you have until you see your payments on paper. Keep a paper or digital list, or even download a money spending app, to help alleviate some stress.

2. Reach Out for Support

Having a support system is a great way to reach your financial goals. Ask a reliable friend to hold you accountable for your spending habits and surround yourself with people that want you to succeed financially.

3. Limit Temptation

If you tend to make unnecessary or impulse purchases when you’re in a certain area, like in a mall or downtown, do your best to avoid those areas. Whatever brings about the temptation to spend money when you don’t need to, keep your distance from it. Next time you visit a mall, maybe bring along your accountability partner so they can help out!

4. Make a Plan

Sit down and spend some time reviewing your financial situation. Figure out when money causes you stress and brainstorm a way to ease that stress. For example, if you tend to worry about spending money while getting groceries, try setting a weekly or monthly grocery budget and make a grocery list that matches up. Next time you go to the store, you’ll have the list and won’t have to worry about what number the store clerk will say at checkout.

5. Have an Emergency Fund

Unexpected expenses will come about in life and, in those situations, you’ll feel a lot better knowing you have a backup plan. It might seem like a challenge to build an emergency fund, but start small and build it up over time. 

6. Check Your Progress

Seeing how far you’ve come after implementing a financial plan is like a breath of fresh air. Look at the positives and be proud of yourself for making a change in the first place.

If you’re making an effort to control your spending habits, the stress of money will eventually become less and less. Feel free to contact Milledgeville State Bank to learn more about money habits and take steps towards having a stress-free spring season.