Monthly Archives: March 2016

10 Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts Kindness

There are so many small and valuable things we can do to impact the life of another. While some of them are financially bound, others can be simple tasks, such as opening the door for someone. This year challenge yourself to more acts of kindness, random or not.

  1. Pay for the person’s food or beverage behind you in line.
  2. Write a letter to a soldier.
  3. Donate new and used toys to daycares or children’s hospitals.
  4. Cook a meal for a family who may be without.
  5. Give a good server the largest tip you can afford.
  6. Scoop snow or do other yard work for your neighbor.
  7. Pick up trash at an area park.
  8. Offer assistance to a charitable organization with your time and skills.
  9. Bake treats for your area school’s teachers.
  10. Visit a nursing home and spend time with the residents.

In addition to being kinder in 2016 you may find yourself becoming happier as well! With so many opportunities to make a difference, this list will help you get started! Add your own acts of kindness and see what you can do to better the lives of others this year.

If you’d like to contribute to others in a financial avenue let us know, we’d love to help! Milledgeville State Bank can assist you in remaining anonymous in donations, arranging monthly transfers, dispensing cash for personal giving, and more!

52-Week Savings Challenge

Savings Challenge

Whether it’s a house, a new vehicle, or other lending options, having a down payment is always a great first step.  In this 52-week challenge you will begin saving a little at a time to accumulate $5000 this year! Here’s how it works, every week you deposit a different amount into your savings account. As the weeks go on you begin to build a steady base little by little. At the end of the year you will have saved $5000 if done correctly. You can also add to the numbers shown below if you’d like to save more than $5000. Simply take the additional amount you would like to save, and divide it by 52. Now add that number to each of the deposit amounts for the year and you have your game plan.

Savings Challenge

$5000 is a substantial sum of money that offers endless potential, so here are some ideas to get you started!

Vacation: Take a break and enjoy an exciting new destination with your family! Cruises start at less than $700/person, and a week in Florida typically runs $4000+ for a family of four.

New Vehicle: You can either purchase a used vehicle with the $5000 (or less), or you can use the $5000 to put a down payments on a more expensive vehicle you’ve had your eye on.

Down Payment on a Home: For first time home buyers using FHA loans, a down payment as little as 3.5% may be accepted. With lower closing costs, easier credit qualifications, and gifts allowed towards the home down payment, this $5000 potentially enables you to purchase a $140,000 home.

Wedding: A little creativity may be involved but the celebration can go on! With the largest event expenses being the venue, food, and photographer, finding inventive shortcuts can turn $5000 into the wedding of your dreams!

Start your savings challenge today with a savings account from Milledgeville State Bank! We’re here for all of your financial and lending needs!

After the Honeymoon: How-To Manage Your Finances Together

couples finances

Begin the journey of purchasing your new home with Milledgeville State Bank! We’ll help guide you through the process of securing a new residence for you and your family. Stick with these easy do’s and don’ts and you’ll be on the path to success.


  • Secure a loan before a home: While the hunt for the first house is exciting, your final decision will depend on the mortgage you can secure. Your first step in the home buying search should take place with a loan officer who can assess whether you qualify for a mortgage, and if so, at what price. This provides a framework guiding the search so you don’t expend time and money on houses outside your means.
  • Take your time: The average homeowner occupies their house for nine years before relocating, so additional time spent thoroughly searching for homes can reap a decade of benefit. Track trends in the housing market to buy during the most cost-effective season. Weigh personal, important factors beyond price listing, such as neighborhood quality, length of commute, and potential for expansion and home improvement.
  • Consult the professionals: The listing agent represents the interests of the seller, not the buyer. As a first-time home buyer, you’ll need as much trusted, unbiased advice as you can garner. Ask friends and family to recommend their real estate agents so you receive counsel from a professional with a track-record of success.


  • Look at homes well over your budget: You set a budget for a reason. Stick to it! Paying more than you designated for a home can financially limit you to update and repair as needed. By spending within your originally determined limit, you’ll avoid heftier mortgages and continue to withhold extra funds for any household incidentals.
  • Empty savings into a down payment: Securing your mortgage requires a down payment. Putting down less than 20% requires you to buy mortgage insurance. To avoid this added expense, some home buyers drain their savings to cover the down payment upfront. Liquidating your account, however, leaves you without a safety net in the event of job loss or medical emergency. The expense of mortgage insurance is worth the financial cushion you can leave in your account, and you can always eliminate the insurance once you’ve paid off 20% and opt to refinance your mortgage.
  • Speed through the closing: The end is in sight, but don’t let the glow of the finish line obscure your view of the paperwork. Review documents with a fine-tooth comb, double check that nothing has been altered in your agreement, and ensure that it describes your understanding of the transaction to a “T”. A day or two of extra analyzing can save you years of headaches!

At Milledgeville State Bank, we offer a number of mortgage options to make securing your home financing as easy as possible. To schedule your first meeting with one of our knowledgeable mortgage lenders, give us a call at (815) 225-7171 or stop by today.