Category: Holiday

How To Set Up Your Holiday Budget


The holidays set back many Americans into debt every year. Last year, the average incurred per person was around $1,000. It’s never too early to start deciding what your holiday budget will be so that you aren’t fretting over overwhelming debt in the new year. If you haven’t set up a budget before, the holidays are a perfect place to start. 

1. Start with what you have. 

Every budget should begin by calculating what you have. This means having an exact tally on what income you and your household bring in each month. If your income is irregular, take the average of what you have brought in the last few months. You can’t know how much to budget for if you don’t have an idea of what you have coming in each month. 

2. Take note of every current expense. 

What are you really spending each month? Some people like to play the “ignorance is bliss” game, but it makes having a budget and comfortable savings nearly impossible. Review your bank transactions from the last few months and write down every bill you can expect to come in. What are you spending your money on? Are there areas where you can cut back? Some people don’t even realize how many subscription services they are signed up for and these monthly dues add up. Organize all of your bills either in an online spreadsheet or a piece of paper. 

3. Calculate the surplus.

Now, take that income and subtract your monthly expenses. Do the numbers surprise you? Whatever is left over doesn’t mean you can spend it all on the holidays. You need to now categorize the additional money. 

4. Allot an item to each dollar. 

Every dollar in your bank account should be accounted for – whether that be emergency savings, bills or holiday shopping. It’s up to personal preference, but you should consider what your goals are beyond the holiday season before you contribute a large amount of your savings towards the season. 

5. Plan!

Now that you know how much you are willing to save and spend on the upcoming holidays, it’s time to get specific on those purchases. If you’re buying gifts for people and this is a top priority for you, set a dollar limit on each person. If food or traveling this season is more important to you, set a limit. Being over-prepared can take the stress away from this fun time of year. Knowing your limits will help to challenge you in creativity and self-control. 

If you need help setting up a savings account, give us a call so you can be ready for this holiday season!

Have You Thought About These Holiday Saving Hacks?


It’s the holidays! As they come closer, you’ll want to be preparing your budget for the food and presents you’re buying. But, be careful not to overspend! Here are our top sanity-saving holiday hacks to follow.

Be Frugal Online

Use cashback apps like Ibotta and Ebates when you shop online for the holidays to save money and earn bonuses. There are also ways to earn free gift cards online when you take surveys, such as using a program like Swagbucks.

Simplify Your Giving

Don’t go all out and buy new clothes for everyone. Think of simple and sweet gifts, like a dessert platter full of your family member’s favorite sweet treats. You can also decide to do no gifts and just play a family giving game like White Elephant. Here’s an example of how some people play White Elephant

Use An App

You can use apps like ShopSavvy to do your comparison shopping. Just scan the item’s barcode with your phone, and the app will tell you if you can find that item for less at another store. You can also use your phone to download a budget app, as this will help you keep your spending for the holiday meals and gifts in check.

Save On Shipping

Chris Hogan, a personal finance expert, states, “The U.S. Postal Service offers flat-rate boxes in different sizes, so pack as much as you can into a box (within weight limits) and save on shipping. Or take advantage of free shipping offers when you buy online.”


We all have items piling up around the house that have never been worn or are collecting dust. They are perfectly good candidates to become gifts to those who would actually use them! Do some investigating and find those secret treasures you can re-gift this holiday season to save big.

Invest in Experiences

Instead of spending money on gifts and family get-togethers, talk about doing a trip or finding something fun close to home to experience. There are plenty of great adventures you can find for you and your family to do – without spending extra money on presents and meals.

Survive this holiday season with these tips and tricks! Staying within your budget means you need to keep a handle on your expenses, even during these times. Our savings account would be a great place to store some of that cash, so you don’t go spending it all at once!

Holiday Hacks for Saving Money


Shopping for the holiday season can get pretty expensive – especially with gifts for the whole family and hosting traditional holiday parties. Luckily, this holiday season we are offering you 5 top-notch money saving hacks so you save more than you spend!

  1. Be a Thrift Store Champ – When you shop at thrift stores, you can find inexpensive gifts and decorations for this holiday season. This is the perfect spot to find your ugly Christmas sweater and a wonderful resource for one-of-a-kind gifts. The items you can find here will most likely be under $10. What a bargain!
  2. Download Discount Code Apps – Honey is a chrome extension that searches and applies online discount codes so you can find all the best deals for your holiday shopping. You also never have to pay full price for a gift card as there are discount sites online such as: Gift Card Granny or Cardpool that make it fast and easy for you to save money. Stack up those online codes to get the best deals!
  3. Shop on Black Friday & Cyber Monday – Shopping the Black Friday deals might be a zoo, but in the end, the mess of people and long lines are worth it. Black Friday always offers some of the best deals at your favorite stores. If you have a large purchase to make, such as a T.V. or kitchen appliance, go shopping on Black Friday. Similarly, Cyber Monday offers great deals, but instead of going out into the madness, you can shop in the comfort of your own home. Shopping Cyber Monday will allow you to get special items at a good price without having to go anywhere. In addition to these two hacks, during the middle of December many retailers participate in Free Shipping Day. This is a one-day event where consumers are able to shop both big and small stores that offer free shipping.
  4. Utilize Your Dollar Store – At the dollar store you can find decorations, wrapping paper, and even holiday ornaments! You can also buy serving platters, dinnerware and extra kitchen utensils to make your holiday party extravagant for your guests without putting a big dent in your bank account.
  5. Participate in Secret Santa – Try something different this holiday season. Instead of buying gifts for everyone in your family, suggest the Secret Santa method! This is an easy and enjoyable gift exchange for everyone to participate in. A few weeks before Christmas, put the names of every member of the family in a hat or bucket, and have each person draw a name. They will then only have to buy a gift for that person. Not only will this help relieve some financial stress, it also serves the purpose of talking about the importance of service and giving during the holidays!

It is so easy to get all wrapped up into the spending cycle during the holidays, but hopefully with these hacks you will be able to find simple treasures and save money! If you’re looking for an extra special gift to give this holiday season, consider opening a savings account with us for your child – we’d love to be a part of the holiday spirit!

New Season. New You. New Financial Goals.

It’s a new season and a new month, making it the perfect time to set new financial goals! While money management may not be your strongest asset, we believe with a little goal setting, a little discipline and a little help from Milledgeville State Bank, you can end up surprising yourself how much of a financial all-star you really are! Start with these quick tips and watch your money grow.
Create a budget and stick to it – Budgets don’t have to be hard. Write down your outgoing expenses and any incoming money. If you’re spending more than taking in, it’s time to eliminate some costs. If you need help with monitoring your spending, we can help you get on track.
The importance and purpose of a budget is to help you spend less than you earn so you can save money. So by not sticking with the budget, what’s the point of having one? Create it, use it, and stick to it.

Eliminate Wasteful Spending– Next round of bills you receive look at them closely. Do you need every service you’re paying for? Are you being charged unknown fees? Go through your bills with a fine tooth comb and raise any flags so you’re not nickel and dimed.

We live in a time of instant gratification, but that often leads to financial consequences. Before every purchase, ask yourself “Do I really need this?” If you find the answer is no, leave it behind and move forward.

Build Your Savings – Every time you’re paid, the first deposit should be into your savings account. Essentially, you’re paying your future self for emergencies and retirement.
If you haven’t done so already, now is the perfect time to set up your 401k or 403(b). Generally, companies match their employees to a certain percentage and that’s free money you should be taking advantage of today.

Leave money you’re saving alone. There are penalties for withdrawing money early from certain accounts. Why pay a penalty for money you worked hard to put in there? Let it sit tight and watch it grow!

We hope these tips help you work to your financial goals this month or season. We are available to help you with your financial management if you need it. Just call or stop by to get your goals underway.

Organizing Your Finances for the Holiday Rush

The holidays are a time where we surround ourselves with family, friends and the people we love most. Whether you’re staying close to home or traveling across the country, the holiday season means you’ll be eating good food and spending plenty of time shopping.

And while all that food may mean your clothes fit a little tighter, the shopping can have a similar impact on your wallet. It’s important to make sure your finances are organized before the real holiday rush is upon us. Not only will you be better prepared, but you’ll be less stressed so you can enjoy the holidays with your loved ones.

Make your holiday season more enjoyable by using these tips from Milledgeville Bank.

Technology is your Friend

It’s easier than ever to use technology to organize your finances. Take advantage of online and mobile banking to get a real-time look at your account balances. Utilize the mobile deposit feature of your mobile banking app to deposit personal checks to your account so the funds are available sooner. There are also several financial management tools available online that will help you with setting a budget and establishing saving goals.

Set Alerts

You already know that your bills are due at different times throughout the month, but it’s important to remember that the holidays may cause changes in those due dates. Verify any upcoming due dates and make note of any changes from your regular monthly payment schedule. Utilize the bill pay features of your online banking account to make sure payments are scheduled well in advance, and set up alerts to make sure you’re reminded of your payment and to verify that the payment went through.

Hold On To Your Statements

This is important to remember throughout the year, but keeping all your statements organized is important. Something as simple as keeping separate manila folders for your savings and checking account statements, IRA statements, 401(k) records and other financial documents can go a long way and won’t cost you much.

Get Rid of High Interest Debt

It can seem easier to use your credit card when holiday shopping. To make sure you can use your credit during the holidays, make sure you’ve paid down anything you owe.

Organizing your finances before the holidays hit will make your holiday season more enjoyable so you can focus on the things that matter most. Contact Milledgeville Bank to make sure your finances are set up for a happy holiday season.


Thanksgiving Costs Through History


Filled with laughter, good food, and heart-warming conversation, Thanksgiving is a holiday centered on all things family. Dating all the way back to 1621, this festive celebration originally began to signify a successful and fruitful fall harvest. Today we enjoy this day of thanks to remember all the blessings and loved ones in our life.

Many things have changed since 1621, or even since 1916! We wanted to see what this holiday may have looked like over the past century, to visualize how traditions and costs have changed through the years.

There are several factors when determining the cost of a Thanksgiving celebration. Today the average feast runs approximately $49. This includes a 16-pound turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, rolls with butter, peas, cranberries, carrots, celery, pumpkin pie with whipped cream, and coffee with milk. However, back in 1916 this meal cost approximately $6.81, but keep in mind, the turkey then cost $4.48, or $99.23 in today’s standards.

Take a look and see how the various costs of Thanksgiving have changed over the last 100 years. You’ll be surprised at the difference!

Cost of Today’s Feast                      Cost of Past Century’s Feast

1916 – $2.21                                        1916 – $6.81

1926 – $3.59                                        1926 – $11.06

1936 – $2.82                                        1936 – $8.68

1946 – $3.96                                        1946 – $12.18

1956 – $5.52                                        1956 – $16.99

1966 – $6.58                                        1966 – $20.24

1976 – $11.55                                      1976 – $35.55

1986 – $22.24                                      1986 – $68.47

1996 – $31.84                                      1996 – $98.03

2006 – $40.92                                      2006 – $125.95

2016 – $49.00                                      2016 – $150.84

At Milledgeville State Bank, we love learning about holidays and their history. It’s easy to see now how $6.81 can really add up! If you put those dollars in today’s standards, food costs would be astronomical! Can you imagine paying over $100 for just your turkey? This year the average cost per pound is about 93 cents, so for a 16-pound turkey, you should expect to pay around $15. Now that’s something to be thankful for!