Tag Archives: secure

Stay Secure While Staying Connected: Top Myths of Security


It’s nearly unavoidable to have some semblance of a social life if you are not using technology to connect with the outside world. From social media and texting to phone applications, we are always connected. Many are uninformed of how to maintain this social connection while at the same time protecting themselves from the most basic security threats. We are combating this by busting the most common notions or myths about cybersecurity.

MYTH: Hackers aren’t interested in what I have.

If you have a social security number, hackers are interested in you. Even if you feel like your personal wealth is not very high, your social security number is incredibly valuable. With your number, they can conduct financial theft by applying for loans and credit cards in your name. They could also use your number to incur their healthcare costs or even legal obligations. In an even darker scenario, your identity can be sold to other hackers to use over and over again. Thereby creating a tumultuous problem. Realize that you have something worth protecting!

MYTH: My email application blocks all of the spam for me.

It only takes one accidental or wrong click to open yourself up to malware. And as great as some email applications are, they aren’t able to block every suspicious email from entering your inbox. Did you know that 1.5 percent of spam emails are malicious? Considering how many you likely get in a day, you are at risk every time you click. There are many ways to add additional filters to your email, but the best line of defense is actually you. If you have even the slightest suspicion about an email, report it. Only communicate with those you know without a doubt are secure sources.

MYTH: I’d be safer to go off the grid.

While it may sound alluring to some nomads, unplugging from digital connection can put you in a position of higher risk. This is because there is less day to day monitoring of your accounts. This makes your accounts a terrific target for hackers to attack and go by unnoticed.

MYTH: I have cybersecurity software, so I am not at risk.

If you’ve invested in anti-virus software, good for you for taking steps to protect yourself! However, hackers are becoming more advanced and finding ways to bypass hundreds of protective measures every day. Also, they can still attack you from other sources such as social media. A great way to combat this is to never click on unfamiliar links and to limit the information you put on social media, including your birthdate.

Stay safe while staying connected with these great tips. Remember, we offer safe and secure banking products to keep your information protected.

Keep Your Data Safe & Secure


Did you know that an alarming 73 percent of all Americans have become victims to some type of cyber crime? We are constantly glued to our devices; whether we’re checking emails or browsing social media, we have so much to do with so little time. Are we really paying close attention to ensure our personal data is kept safe and secure? We can’t forget about the basics when it comes to protecting your information, so read these 5 ways on how to keep your data protected and unharmed.

  1. Update With Security Software – If possible, regularly update your devices with security software. Security software will protect your data from any random attacks from viruses and hackers. Any older software won’t be able to protect your data from the latest viruses. Cyber attacks are increasing, so it is important to keep on top of the latest updates.
  2. Be On Wi-Fi Watch – When you step into a different place that does not have secure Wi-Fi, you will want to be wary. Often times we think nothing about connecting to “Free Wi-Fi,” because it has become second nature. However, hackers are able to position themselves in an area where they can receive direct access to your data between you and the access point. So, if you are someone who regularly uses public Wi-Fi, be careful — you can be at serious risk!
  3. Protect With A Password – There are passwords for everything nowadays, especially with accounts that use personal information. With that being said, the simpler the password you have, the easier it is for a hacker to gain information. Passwords may never be completely secure, but be sure to follow password tips. Some tips include: password length of at least eight characters, use upper and lowercase letters, combine symbols and numbers, and use different passwords for each of your accounts. Utilizing these tips can ensure an increase in protection of your personal data. Additional tips can be found
  4. Don’t Click On Emails From Unknown Sources – Be sure to stay alert when filtering through your emails. Hackers are getting smarter every day, therefore it is imperative that you know exactly who your emails are from and if they are legitimate. If there are any emails that you may not recognize, don’t open the attachments or respond. If you are ever suspicious of the authenticity — report it!
  5. Physical Data Is Still Out There – Yes, we are undoubtedly in a digital world. But, in the workplace there are still many instances where printed files and documents are needed. In order to make sure your data stays safe and secure, you will want to make sure you are the holder of all information that is important to you. Secondly, when you need to dispose of any data information, use a shredder so it all becomes completely distorted. It may also be helpful to use locked filing cabinets for any of your private information.

By taking these extra measures, you can help ensure your personal data is safe and secure. Pay closer attention to your surroundings, as greater awareness decreases the chance of cyber crime. If you have additional questions, contact us today!