Online Safety: Family Edition


Today, having both Internet access and safety seems nearly impossible. While technology can be enriching and educational, it has its downsides. How can you protect your family from the dangers of the Internet while also allowing them access? Keep reading for some of our online safety tips for families.

Be Careful What Information You’re Sharing

Many hackers and identity thieves feed off oversharing. Be careful which websites you’re entering personal information into – don’t trust just any website. Oversharing is also dangerous on social networks, so be sure to make your kids aware of the information that shouldn’t ever be shared, like driver’s licenses, usernames or passwords, addresses, social security numbers, etc.

Be Careful Using Public Wi-Fi

Connecting to a public Wi-Fi network can seem harmless and convenient, but that’s not always true. Using public Wi-Fi in places like restaurants and malls is an easy way for hackers and cybercriminals to hack your information. Remember to use a VPN like this one when you connect to a public Wi-Fi network.

Keep an Eye on Your Social Media Networks

Random messages from unknown users have become more common as social media becomes more popular. Although it seems obvious to ignore spam messages, delete them and move on, kids might not know to do that. Teach your kids to never respond to an unknown person’s message online, and emphasize how dangerous it is to respond to strangers. The smartest move is to get your kids into the habit of coming to you when they receive a strange message so you can double check the user’s profile.

Educate Your Children

Most of the time, the reason kids fall into the trap of hackers is because they’re uneducated. Give your kids a mini lesson about what cybersecurity is, why it’s so important and how they can protect themselves. Remind them that if anything seems unusual, they should talk to you so you can make sure the situation is safe.

Manage Your Passwords

Most Internet users have the same couple of passwords for all of their accounts, making the hacking process even easier. There are safe password management systems allowing you to use a different password for all of your accounts, while only having to remember one password for the system. 

Backup Your Data

Cybercriminals that hack into your computer can lock you out of your own important files and information. Keep your files backed up regularly so in that situation, you know your files aren’t lost.

Although there are many ways your cybersecurity can be compromised, there are multiple ways to protect yourself and your family. We hope you protect your information with these top tips!

How To Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck


Living paycheck to paycheck is more common than you may think. According to this website, over 65% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and would struggle to get by if their paycheck was delayed by a week. Why is living this way dangerous? And if it’s so bad, how do we stay away from it? Keep reading to find out.

Why is living paycheck to paycheck so bad? If relying on your paycheck gets you by, some may wonder what the big deal is. Sure, it can be stressful, but it works, right? Wrong.

  • You aren’t guaranteed your job

Many people find themselves in the unexpected situation of losing a job, and once that happens, there will be no paycheck to live off of. 

  • You can’t build an emergency fund this way.

Living paycheck to paycheck makes it nearly impossible to build up an adequate emergency fund. This is something you should have in case something unexpected took place, like an accident, unexpected car issues, etc.

  • It takes a toll on you emotionally.

Living with the stress of not having a backup plan can really have an effect on a person. This stress isn’t good for you mentally or physically!

So, what can I do to stop living this way? You now realize the dangers of living paycheck to paycheck, so it’s time to talk about what you can do to either avoid it or start getting out of it.

  • Use automatic savings. Having your savings taken out automatically instead of attempting to save whatever is left over makes a big difference. You’ll be less tempted to spend your saved money and your savings will build up much faster!
  • Differentiate your wants from your needs. There are definitely necessary expenses, like food or a mortgage, but lots of spending decisions can be impulsive and unnecessary. Start by being more intentional with deciphering what you need and what is just an added expense.
  • Set some goals and have patience.The best motivator is an end goal. Figure out what you are striving for and remind yourself of that whenever you walk away from a purchase. Be patient and trust the process, because saving money takes time!
  • Find an accountability partner. Talking to a financially wise, trusted friend or family member to hold you accountable is a great way to stay on track and improve your spending habits.

Getting out of living paycheck to paycheck is difficult, but not impossible. The first step is simply to recognize the problem and start making a change. For help with your savings, contact Milledgeville State Bank. We’re happy to talk and help!

How Do I Pay Off My Debt?


Extreme amounts of debt can weigh heavy on your shoulders. It has been found that extreme amounts of debt are linked to higher rates of suicide and depression. This is why it’s so important to have an understanding of good debt vs. bad debt and how you can go about paying back your debt efficiently. 

Don’t Let it Define Your Life

You, of course, want to have your debt paid off as soon as possible. However, letting it define the value of your life is counterintuitive to being able to pay off the debt. You can enjoy your life while simultaneously paying off debt. A common saying about paying off debt is to think of it as a marathon and not a sprint. You aren’t going to have all of the debt paid off at once, but consistent payments will help get you there instead of burning out from sprinting.

Be Careful Who You Surround Yourself With 

It’s hard to stick to a budget when you’re surrounding yourself with friends who want you to spend money with them. It’s difficult to say no to socializing because of the money. At the same time, you should be surrounding yourself with people who understand your financial priorities and support you in those goals. Spend time meeting with financial experts to help guide you in your investments and debt management. 

Press Pause on Credit Cards

While credit cards are a great tool when used correctly, they can be a hindrance to paying off debt. Do your best to refrain from using them until you have your debt under control. 

Utilize Extra Income

If you receive a bonus or a pay increase, place all or a portion of those funds towards your debt. You won’t notice the difference, besides seeing the decrease in your debt to income ratio!

Start a Payment Plan 

In order to keep the momentum going, you should start paying off your most expensive debts first. This typically means the highest interest. Establish a set amount that you will pay each month and work it into your budget. Your amount should be more than the minimum payment due. 

Don’t let your debt take over your life. Get control of your dues today!

Cybersecurity Safety Tips for Your Business


Don’t let living your dream of owning your own business end because of cybercrime. Stay on top of the latest defenses when it comes to cybercrime by implementing even one of these tips for your business. 

Never Assume You Are 100% Secure

Unfortunately, you can never be fully protected against a cyber threat. The minute you sit back and think that you are invulnerable is the best time for a cybercriminal to strike. There will always be a new potential threat. There may even be an employee mistake or a broken piece of data. It’s important to always be looking for ways to improve security. 

Amp Up Authentication

Every point of digital access to the internal working of your company should be blocked by outsiders with authentication. Authentication is a way of signing into a device with a code only authorized users have access to. Many companies are switching to Multi-Factor Authentication, which requires users to confirm their identity twice, often through the device and then a phone. This is simply an added layer of protection. 

Hire a Hacker

Not all hackers are ill-intentioned. Many work legally to help businesses discover the risks of penetrability. They will be able to evaluate areas that can use strengthening. 

Email Education

The weakest point of business cyber defense is often employees. Even if the worker is well-intentioned, they can still make defense mistakes. One common area of cybercrime is email. It’s an easy way for the perpetrator to access your company internally. This is why it’s important to not only have spam filters but ensure that all employees go through email education so they know what a suspicious email looks like. 

Be Aware of Personal Device Risks

Many businesses allow workers to bring in their personal devices and use them to conduct business. This can be dangerous, as there is likely not the same security software on their personal devices that you have for your business. This is another way for cybercriminals to get into your business’s information. One way to help with this and to still allow your employees the freedom of using their personal devices is to establish a “Bring Your Own Device” policy

Get on the Cloud

Keep your important business information on the Cloud, in order to avoid it getting taken from you forever. It’s currently the most used technology for small businesses. You can utilize it for managing finances, storing, sharing and accessing information from anywhere. 

These are just some of the basics of business cybersecurity. They are all fairly inexpensive and can likely save you from a headache of trouble if you were to get hacked. For more information on cybersecurity tips or business accounts, give us a call!

Cybersecurity Check: How Secure Are Your Actions?


It’s 2020 and more than time to be certain your cybersecurity practices are up to date. Cybercriminals become more advanced and attuned to the different ways to penetrate vulnerabilities of those who aren’t up to date on security. These are the top actions you need to take. Can you say yes to any of these?

Are you cautious with the applications on your phone?

Sometimes, there’s a false sense of security when it comes to phone applications. Apps are used for about everything these days and too often users think they are safer than they are. You may have noticed that pop ups can still occur on these applications and can pose a security risk to you and the information held on your device. You may even click on the ad accidently while it takes you to a suspicious website. 

Is your software up to date?

Yes, we realize that having to update your phone or computer can be a nuisance. It can be frustrating at times because it may change the layout of certain features on your phone. Yet, we would still recommend updating due to the protection it provides. It will help to patch vulnerabilities and fortify your wall of protection. 

Are you aware of phishing scams?

How attuned are you to phishing scams? Phishing is when the cybercriminal acts like someone else in order to trick the victims. Be sure to: never open an email from someone you don’t know, click on unfamiliar links and always be suspicious when it comes to emails – even from friends that may send harmful links unknowingly. 

Are your passwords updated periodically?

It’s frustrating to have to remember many different passwords and to constantly be updating them. But it is still less of a headache than it would be if you had your identity stolen or your data held for ransom. Never use the same password twice and update each password at least once a year. 

Is your PII Personal?

PII stands for personal identification information. This includes your address, birthdate, birthplace and middle name. These are often listed on many people’s social media pages. Sometimes all it takes to have your identity stolen is your full name and birthdate. Be sure to remove this from your pages and to keep it private. 

For more tips on how to stay ahead of the cybersecurity curve, contact us today!

Make Your 2020 Savings Goals A Reality


The new year is full of hope and imagination for the future. It can be challenging for anyone to stick with these goals, especially financial ones. We’re happy to tell you that there is a way to make these goals a reality by sticking to these wise practices.

Be Realistic

In order to make your goals a reality, you should set realistic goals. While a beach house on Maui would definitely be an attractive prospect to most people, it’s not in the cards for everyone. Maybe something like this will be there for you someday, but first you want to master the baby steps. Think about goals within the next 1-5 years that you can see happening and are motivating.

Prioritize Goals

Not all of your goals are likely to be reached in 2020. Prioritize the goals in the order that you think they can be accomplished first and that are also the most important to you. 

Identify Roadblocks

Plan ahead for the things you think might go wrong or steer you off course. Is one of your savings goals to cut down on splurging but you find yourself repeatedly swinging through drive thrus and shopping online just because you have a free shipping subscription? Decide on alternatives to keep you from continuing with these habits. If there are events or emotional triggers that compel you to spend money, figure out another way to get relief. Go for a run, read a book or invite a friend over for a movie night. 

Organize Accounts

Get familiar with the banking accounts available to you. Learn about how to use them to fit your lifestyle. Maybe you want each paycheck to have a percentage go straight to checking. Get this set up! Have you downloaded our mobile app yet? If not, consider doing so. It’s a great way to easily keep an eye on your everyday spending as well as check in on your growing savings account. 

Celebrate Progress

Goals aren’t achieved overnight. You’ll be working hard to achieve your goals and you might experience some burnout. To keep this from happening, celebrate the strides you are making towards reaching your goals by having a visual that can remind you of your “why” and modestly celebrate each achievement in a way that’s fun for your household. If you have kids, get them in on the fun and teach them why following through on commitments is important and why celebrating mile markers is also important!

For more ways to follow through on your savings goals, reach out to us today!

Cybersecurity Top Tips for Traveling


Whether traveling for fun or for work, you are hopefully busy enjoying the sites. However, it can be easy to get caught up in the adventure that you forget to stay on top of your personal cybersecurity protection. While you begin packing your bag, don’t forget this list of top tips!

Update all of your devices.

You’ve probably made sure your devices are charged, your toiletry bag is refilled and you have new reading material for your voyage. But before walking out the door for your trip, you need to update every device you have. These periodic updates that you see from the manufacturer do more than produce slight layout changes. They protect your device by patching holes and fixing bugs in the software. If not done, your wall of protection has weak points that can be taken advantage of. 

Watch out for wandering eyes.

In addition to keeping an eye out for anyone who may physically take your device or other items, watch out for lurkers. They may be looking over your shoulder or at your laptop from behind you. They’ll be looking out for any information that can tell them how to enter into your device. 

Always lock devices.

If you don’t have a passcode on your devices, you will want to get one. Don’t make it easier for criminals!

Remove auto-connect features.

Sometimes, it can be great to know that most public places nowadays have free Wi-Fi. Especially when traveling internationally, you may rely on this to send a simple text message to family back home. However, for your own security, it’s most important that you disable the auto-connect feature on your Wi-Fi. You want to set up your device so that it only connects to networks that you consciously choose. 

Turn off Bluetooth.

Similar to Wi-Fi auto-connect, Bluetooth should be turned off unless you are choosing to use it. The reason for this is that criminals will use this as an opportunity to connect themselves to your phone and crack into it remotely. If you’re like most people, you have a lot of PII (Personally Identifiable Information) on your phone. This can be used to take your identity. 

Statistics on Cybercrime 

  • You are 20 times more likely to be robbed on your computer than on the street.
  • 14.4 million people were victims of identity theft in 2018.
  • It is estimated that 33 billion records will be stolen in 2023. 
  • The US government spent $15 billion towards cybersecurity in 2019.

With these tips in mind, we hope you have a safe and fun travel experience!

Farm Loans 101


“Let us not forget that the cultivation of the earth is the most important labor of man. When tillage begins, other arts will follow. The farmers, therefore, are the founders of civilization” (Daniel Webster). We love our farmers and believe they are the backbone of this nation. If you are new to farming or if it has been in your family for years, it’s important that you know about farm loans. Here are the basics you should be familiar with. 


When talking about farm loans, we should first discuss what the FSA does for farmers. FSA stands for Farm Service Agency. They are a branch or agency of the US Department of Agriculture. You may be able to obtain a loan through the FSA if you meet certain requirements. If you need to start your farm, expand or sustain it, you are likely going to need a farm loan. Choosing a lender like Milledgeville State Bank to help you through the process will be the first step.

Who Qualifies?

  • A need to buy equipment or livestock
  • A desire to expand your business/land
  • Experienced a natural disaster

These loans are meant for those who are not able to get credit from a commercial lender. They are usually used by farmers within their first ten years of business. When you are able to receive credit, you will no longer qualify for a loan through FSA and will need to go through a commercial lender. 

Types of Farm Loans

Farmers have very specific needs. There are types of loans that many farmers seek out to help their farming businesses thrive. 

Operating Loans: These can be essential to the success of a farm. They help purchase things like fertilizer, livestock, irrigation, seed and harvest. 

Equipment Loans: No matter how big or small the farm, you’re going to need equipment to ensure its success. Equipment loans can be used to help buy things like tractors, grain bins and farm trucks.  

Real Estate: This loan is for growing or expanding your land. 

There are a variety of options available to farmers in terms of loans. Let us help you figure out a loan tailored to meet your business needs and goals. 

Stop Spending Money With These Strategies


Do you feel like you have a sufficient income, but never any money? You’re likely spending more than you realize on non-essential items. This often happens to those who don’t have a budget established. If you’re guilty of too easily swiping your card, these strategies can help keep you in check. 

  • Know Your Triggers

Spending money thoughtlessly is what gets too many people into trouble and in financial positions they do not want to be in. If you seem to have developed a bad habit of spending money, it’s important to not only figure out why, but what triggers you to overspend. 

These are common triggers for other overindulgent habits: 

  • Time of Day – Let’s say you frequently shop for groceries after work. You may want to consider shopping when you have more energy to make wise purchase decisions instead of buying thoughtlessly at the end of the day when your energy is low.
  • Mood – Think about the last time you spent money unnecessarily. How were you feeling? If you know that anger is a trigger for you to overspend, stay far away from the temptation in those moments.
  • Environment – What’s going to a mall or a favorite department store going to do for you? Likely, it will make you want to shop or feel guilted into spending money. Only take cash with you next time so you can’t cave in.
  • Lifestyle & Social Media – While there are great benefits to social media, it can cause what is known as FOMO or the fear of missing out. If you see others living a certain lifestyle, it may trigger you to purchase items to have a similar life so you feel a sense of belonging.

Do any of these sound familiar to you? Create a game plan for avoiding these triggers or an alternative option when you feel the urge to spend because of these scenarios. 

  • Think About Your Company

Our friends should bring out the best in us, but that isn’t always the case. Be careful who you spend time with and if they pressure you to spend money in order to hang out with them. Let them know your new savings goals and if they can’t respect this until you have your spending under control, it might be time to create some distance in the relationship. 

  • Track Your Progress       

Don’t just wonder if you’re doing better on spending. Keep track of what’s going out of your account weekly. Knowing you are doing well can be motivating!

  • Budget, Budget, Budget

We believe any plan or goal you have in life should be supported by a budget. This is incredibly true for getting in control of your spending. Know what money you have coming in (income) and going out (bills). If you don’t do this, you will keep spending because you think you can afford it, when you really don’t know if you can. Create a category and have a set dollar amount for each category. This includes more set expenses like a mortgage but also flexible ones like groceries. This budget is for you, so make it as specific as you need for success! 

If you’re ready to get serious about curbing your spending habits, we can help you take it a step further to make sure you have everything you need to successfully stick to a budget. Whether it be our online banking features or competitive savings accounts, we’re happy to help – contact us today!

How To Set Up Your Holiday Budget


The holidays set back many Americans into debt every year. Last year, the average incurred per person was around $1,000. It’s never too early to start deciding what your holiday budget will be so that you aren’t fretting over overwhelming debt in the new year. If you haven’t set up a budget before, the holidays are a perfect place to start. 

1. Start with what you have. 

Every budget should begin by calculating what you have. This means having an exact tally on what income you and your household bring in each month. If your income is irregular, take the average of what you have brought in the last few months. You can’t know how much to budget for if you don’t have an idea of what you have coming in each month. 

2. Take note of every current expense. 

What are you really spending each month? Some people like to play the “ignorance is bliss” game, but it makes having a budget and comfortable savings nearly impossible. Review your bank transactions from the last few months and write down every bill you can expect to come in. What are you spending your money on? Are there areas where you can cut back? Some people don’t even realize how many subscription services they are signed up for and these monthly dues add up. Organize all of your bills either in an online spreadsheet or a piece of paper. 

3. Calculate the surplus.

Now, take that income and subtract your monthly expenses. Do the numbers surprise you? Whatever is left over doesn’t mean you can spend it all on the holidays. You need to now categorize the additional money. 

4. Allot an item to each dollar. 

Every dollar in your bank account should be accounted for – whether that be emergency savings, bills or holiday shopping. It’s up to personal preference, but you should consider what your goals are beyond the holiday season before you contribute a large amount of your savings towards the season. 

5. Plan!

Now that you know how much you are willing to save and spend on the upcoming holidays, it’s time to get specific on those purchases. If you’re buying gifts for people and this is a top priority for you, set a dollar limit on each person. If food or traveling this season is more important to you, set a limit. Being over-prepared can take the stress away from this fun time of year. Knowing your limits will help to challenge you in creativity and self-control. 

If you need help setting up a savings account, give us a call so you can be ready for this holiday season!