Category: General

Cybersecurity for Beginners


Let’s get back to the basics! Cybersecurity is important for everyone, no matter if you use the internet every hour or every week. If you’ve never considered the best security tactics for the cyber world, hold on tight and pay close attention as we run through the biggest pillars of cybersecurity.

What is cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is the act or process of protecting devices, networks and programs from theft or damage. Everyone has something to lose, whether it be their identity, money or hardware. Cybercrime can happen to anyone and it’s important to be aware and prepared.

Start With the Physical

Just because we are talking about cyberspace, doesn’t mean this doesn’t include protecting your physical space. Keep all of your devices secured with password protection, so that in the case your device is taken, they will not be able to crack into your sensitive documents. This also goes for being cautious on what flash drives or hard drives you plug into your computer. Unknown ones may be infected with malware seeking to steal your information. This also means your devices should never be left without your supervision.

Create a Tight Password

The first line of defense against a cyber criminal is your password. It’s tempting for many to choose something that is short and easy to remember. However, your password should be complicated enough to keep a hacker out. It’s suggested to use a sentence for a password. For example, instead of choosing your pet’s name as a password, create a sentence about your animal. It could be something like, ”Mydogspotlikestonap.” Get creative!

Avoid Public Wi-Fi

While we believe it’s fantastic to make use of our public libraries and coffee shops, using public Wi-Fi can put you at risk. However, there are two types of public Wi-Fi. One is safer than the other. Unsecured networks often don’t require a password or any login information. A secured network will require that you create an account in order to access the service. This is a safer option. However, if you still want to use an unsecured network, you should be sure to not access any personal information, as the line can be easily hacked.

Be Social Conscious

Social media is a great tool to stay connected with friends and family. However, be sure that you are not posting sensitive information about your identity such as your birth date and current location. It’s also important to keep your settings private so only your close friends have access to the account.

Welcome Updates

Updates may seem tedious, but they keep your device secure by patching any areas that are prone to hacking. Having a software will tell you when you need certain updates and your computer will ask you to restart when it has updates as well.

Be Suspicious

Whether it’s an unsolicited advertisement or an email from an unknown source, always be suspicious of anyone asking for your personal information or money online. It’s often a best course of action to not interact with any unknown sources.

Stay safe and secure by utilizing these cybersecurity tips! You can also open an Online and Mobile Banking account with us – so you can securely check your finances.

Closing the Door on Cybercrime: What Business Owners Should Know


If you’re a small business owner, you’re likely a dreamer and a doer. The dreamer side of you hopes that your business will never be infiltrated and the doer side of you is reading this blog, ready to take an active defense on cybercrime. You will need both of these great qualities in order to seal your doors from those who want to take from your business and keep them wide open for customers. Here’s how:

Train Employees

While you may know your employees well or at least trust them to do their due diligence in security, mistakes can happen if employees aren’t properly trained in cybersecurity. This should be a part of their onboarding process on day one, as well as implementing required training throughout the course of their employment. They should understand how to use all of the company security procedures in addition to understanding the crucial importance of those procedures. Some of which may be:

  • Allowable Internet Usage
  • Remote Access Security Measures
  • Restricted Use Of Removable Media (USB or CDs)

Backup All Data

Imagine if you went to log into your business systems tomorrow and all of your data was either wiped or being held for ransom by a cybercriminal. We hope that you would not have to panic because you routinely back up your data. It can cost hundreds of dollars a minute to have your systems down. You can either backup data on the cloud or on a physical device capable of handling the information. For some businesses, it’s not only their own data at risk, but those of clients. Keep your reputation and client trust strong.

It’s Time for Another Password

We know, we know. It seems about everything needs a unique password these days and it can be difficult to keep up. However, it is this way because it works. Be sure that all your staff changes their passwords at least every three months.

Don’t Forget to Update

Just as it is important to backup data, it is just as important to continually update your systems. If there are gaps in updates, it leaves room for cybercriminals to enter. This is called “patching” in the tech world. Keep your software like a tight, impregnable wall by ensuring all of the necessary updates are made whenever possible. This can be done by automating updates, so you don’t let it slip by!

Keep your business safe by utilizing our safe and secure banking products. We’re happy to help you find safe ways to grow your funds.

Stay Secure While Staying Connected: Top Myths of Security


It’s nearly unavoidable to have some semblance of a social life if you are not using technology to connect with the outside world. From social media and texting to phone applications, we are always connected. Many are uninformed of how to maintain this social connection while at the same time protecting themselves from the most basic security threats. We are combating this by busting the most common notions or myths about cybersecurity.

MYTH: Hackers aren’t interested in what I have.

If you have a social security number, hackers are interested in you. Even if you feel like your personal wealth is not very high, your social security number is incredibly valuable. With your number, they can conduct financial theft by applying for loans and credit cards in your name. They could also use your number to incur their healthcare costs or even legal obligations. In an even darker scenario, your identity can be sold to other hackers to use over and over again. Thereby creating a tumultuous problem. Realize that you have something worth protecting!

MYTH: My email application blocks all of the spam for me.

It only takes one accidental or wrong click to open yourself up to malware. And as great as some email applications are, they aren’t able to block every suspicious email from entering your inbox. Did you know that 1.5 percent of spam emails are malicious? Considering how many you likely get in a day, you are at risk every time you click. There are many ways to add additional filters to your email, but the best line of defense is actually you. If you have even the slightest suspicion about an email, report it. Only communicate with those you know without a doubt are secure sources.

MYTH: I’d be safer to go off the grid.

While it may sound alluring to some nomads, unplugging from digital connection can put you in a position of higher risk. This is because there is less day to day monitoring of your accounts. This makes your accounts a terrific target for hackers to attack and go by unnoticed.

MYTH: I have cybersecurity software, so I am not at risk.

If you’ve invested in anti-virus software, good for you for taking steps to protect yourself! However, hackers are becoming more advanced and finding ways to bypass hundreds of protective measures every day. Also, they can still attack you from other sources such as social media. A great way to combat this is to never click on unfamiliar links and to limit the information you put on social media, including your birthdate.

Stay safe while staying connected with these great tips. Remember, we offer safe and secure banking products to keep your information protected.

Protect Yourself From Social Networking Site Hacks


In the world of social media, everything nowadays is online and public for all to view. With the numerous updates we face every day, it’s important to keep yourself up-to-date on what social networking sites share to others and how you can limit those settings. Protect yourself online with these simple tips to start!

Be Cautious When Adding Friends

Being constantly bombarded with friend requests and follows slowly weakens your cautiousness. You begin to accept more people without really digging in. This makes you a target for hackers. When someone has a friend in common on Facebook, this doesn’t mean you should just add them. Make sure you truly know the person before accepting a follow/friend request. Comb through your friends list now and delete those you don’t know.

Update Your Privacy Settings

It’s important to update your privacy settings so only friends and followers can see your posts. Hackers and other unwanted viewers are able to see your posts and photos if you keep things on public. Facebook answers some common privacy settings questions here.

Don’t Enable Auto Login

Yes, it’s easier to have your phone and computer “remember” your password and username. However, if someone were to gain access to your phone, they would automatically have access to all material and credit card info that is auto saved on sites.

Change Passwords Frequently

This may be an old tip, but it is the MOST important. Changing your password every 30-60 days and making sure it’s different from your other accounts will increase your security online exponentially.

Stop Geotagging

This is one of the most dangerous features now enabled on social networks and devices. Most people don’t realize Twitter and Instagram both use geotagging (which stores the latitude and longitude of your Tweet or image) for everything you send out. Pictures you take on an iPhone usually store geotagging information as well. This gives unwanted people way too much information about your location. See how you can turn this feature off on an iPhone and iPad here.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

This feature has become an important addition to many social networking sites. It can be frustrating when trying to log in on a new device, but enabling Two-Factor Authentication means you will be alerted right away if someone is trying to log in.

These security tips are easy ways to start down the path of becoming more secure while online. It’s better to be aware of the features these sites hold and know exactly how they can help or hurt you. At Milledgeville State Bank, we take pride in how secure our clients’ information is and aim to help others protect themselves.

6 Steps To Improve Your Finances


Staying on top of your finances can prove challenging, especially when bills, debt, daily expenses and saving come into play. Finding your way to financial freedom takes time which is why Milledgeville State Bank has compiled a few steps you can take to improve your finances.

Coupon Like Crazy

Some people always pay full price for items. Nowadays, there should be no reason to empty your wallet to that extreme. You can go old school and buy extra newspapers when the coupons are good. We also recommend that you utilize the clearance rack, sign up for free trials and collect rewards cards. Technology also gives you the capability to search coupon sites and download coupon apps, which gives you a plethora of options to save!

Increase Your 401(k)

Even if it is just by 1%, increasing the amount of money you are putting into your 401(k) can change the end results dramatically. It’s always important to think about your future, as you’ll need those funds to support you and your family. Employers may also match your 401(k) to a certain amount, so be sure to know what your company offers and use that to its fullest.

Add To Your Emergency Fund

Now that you are a little more established, a few hundred to a thousand dollars won’t cut it anymore. Your house may need reroofing, you might have to buy a new car or your deductible won’t cover a certain emergency or procedure. These unexpected events will cost a pretty penny, so upping your emergency fund will protect you.

Make An Extra Payment Towards A Debt

If you were able to cut expenses this month, put that saved money towards a debt. Pay off a little extra of your car payment or student loans. The Snowball Method teaches you to start by paying off the smallest debts first while paying the minimum on larger debts. Then keep snowballing to the biggest one as time goes on. Always utilize this tip when extra money comes your way, as becoming debt free is the ultimate goal!

Create A Will

According to AARP, “78 percent of millennials (ages 18-36) and 64 percent of Generation Xers (ages 37-52) do not have a will.” This is a crucial step in your financial life to not have planned out. No matter what age, you have finances, dependents and property that will be left unattended if something were to happen to you. Be sure to get a will put into place, so your assets can be handled correctly.

Get on track with your finances and tame your budget with these simple tips! If you need any assistance with a savings account or future planning, give us a call or stop in. Aiding you through your financial journey is what we’re here for.

Keep Your Data Safe & Secure


Did you know that an alarming 73 percent of all Americans have become victims to some type of cyber crime? We are constantly glued to our devices; whether we’re checking emails or browsing social media, we have so much to do with so little time. Are we really paying close attention to ensure our personal data is kept safe and secure? We can’t forget about the basics when it comes to protecting your information, so read these 5 ways on how to keep your data protected and unharmed.

  1. Update With Security Software – If possible, regularly update your devices with security software. Security software will protect your data from any random attacks from viruses and hackers. Any older software won’t be able to protect your data from the latest viruses. Cyber attacks are increasing, so it is important to keep on top of the latest updates.
  2. Be On Wi-Fi Watch – When you step into a different place that does not have secure Wi-Fi, you will want to be wary. Often times we think nothing about connecting to “Free Wi-Fi,” because it has become second nature. However, hackers are able to position themselves in an area where they can receive direct access to your data between you and the access point. So, if you are someone who regularly uses public Wi-Fi, be careful — you can be at serious risk!
  3. Protect With A Password – There are passwords for everything nowadays, especially with accounts that use personal information. With that being said, the simpler the password you have, the easier it is for a hacker to gain information. Passwords may never be completely secure, but be sure to follow password tips. Some tips include: password length of at least eight characters, use upper and lowercase letters, combine symbols and numbers, and use different passwords for each of your accounts. Utilizing these tips can ensure an increase in protection of your personal data. Additional tips can be found
  4. Don’t Click On Emails From Unknown Sources – Be sure to stay alert when filtering through your emails. Hackers are getting smarter every day, therefore it is imperative that you know exactly who your emails are from and if they are legitimate. If there are any emails that you may not recognize, don’t open the attachments or respond. If you are ever suspicious of the authenticity — report it!
  5. Physical Data Is Still Out There – Yes, we are undoubtedly in a digital world. But, in the workplace there are still many instances where printed files and documents are needed. In order to make sure your data stays safe and secure, you will want to make sure you are the holder of all information that is important to you. Secondly, when you need to dispose of any data information, use a shredder so it all becomes completely distorted. It may also be helpful to use locked filing cabinets for any of your private information.

By taking these extra measures, you can help ensure your personal data is safe and secure. Pay closer attention to your surroundings, as greater awareness decreases the chance of cyber crime. If you have additional questions, contact us today!

Cybersecurity: Q&A


We all know this one – use different passwords and switch them up periodically. While this is a helpful tip to avoid being hacked, there are some questions you may still have on cybersecurity. Luckily, Milledgeville State Bank offers a few answers to your existing questions.

Question: How can I protect my personal information from an attack?

Answer: Be sure that your antivirus program is up-to-date. When it is time to renew that software, do it. Don’t wait around thinking it will be okay for a few weeks. Hackers have more freedom to get your information when anti-virus programs are down. Another tip is to update your WIFI password regularly along with creating a unique network name.

Question: How risky is using public WIFI?

Answer: Even though free WIFI sounds like a great deal, don’t be tempted. Hackers sit waiting for potential targets connecting to public WIFI zones. They have the perfect opportunity to go undetected and gain access to your personal information.

Question: What kind of passwords should I be creating and using?

Answer: Utilize a password that contains letters, numbers and special characters such as @, #, ^, etc. Be sure that everyone in your family uses different passwords with separate logins. This ensures that if one person gets hacked, that other family members’ information can still be protected. Be sure to turn on 2-step authentication wherever it’s available and keep your browser and software updated.

Question: Can a hacker access my webcam?

Answer: Although the short answer is yes, don’t begin to worry too much. As long as you continue to make updates to your software, you should be okay. Cyber criminals focus on drawing you to untrusted sites, having you click on links or download certain items. Once this happens, hackers are able to begin stealing your information or encrypt your data. Some even make you pay a “ransom” to get control of your computer and access to your information.

Question: Is paper the safe option to do business?

Answer: Doing business electronically is perfectly safe if you use the right tools. Paper information can be stolen, lost in the mail or misplaced into the wrong hands. Properly securing your business passwords and information along with keeping it separate from your personal information will help protect your data. Shred any hard copy information you no longer need if you decide to go that route and lock up the important files that shouldn’t be left in the open.

We hope these answers help you understand cybersecurity a little better! Don’t be afraid to surf the web – just stay aware and continue updating your software. Don’t get caught up on the technical terms, just read information from trustworthy sources to better protect yourself!

Holiday Hacks for Saving Money


Shopping for the holiday season can get pretty expensive – especially with gifts for the whole family and hosting traditional holiday parties. Luckily, this holiday season we are offering you 5 top-notch money saving hacks so you save more than you spend!

  1. Be a Thrift Store Champ – When you shop at thrift stores, you can find inexpensive gifts and decorations for this holiday season. This is the perfect spot to find your ugly Christmas sweater and a wonderful resource for one-of-a-kind gifts. The items you can find here will most likely be under $10. What a bargain!
  2. Download Discount Code Apps – Honey is a chrome extension that searches and applies online discount codes so you can find all the best deals for your holiday shopping. You also never have to pay full price for a gift card as there are discount sites online such as: Gift Card Granny or Cardpool that make it fast and easy for you to save money. Stack up those online codes to get the best deals!
  3. Shop on Black Friday & Cyber Monday – Shopping the Black Friday deals might be a zoo, but in the end, the mess of people and long lines are worth it. Black Friday always offers some of the best deals at your favorite stores. If you have a large purchase to make, such as a T.V. or kitchen appliance, go shopping on Black Friday. Similarly, Cyber Monday offers great deals, but instead of going out into the madness, you can shop in the comfort of your own home. Shopping Cyber Monday will allow you to get special items at a good price without having to go anywhere. In addition to these two hacks, during the middle of December many retailers participate in Free Shipping Day. This is a one-day event where consumers are able to shop both big and small stores that offer free shipping.
  4. Utilize Your Dollar Store – At the dollar store you can find decorations, wrapping paper, and even holiday ornaments! You can also buy serving platters, dinnerware and extra kitchen utensils to make your holiday party extravagant for your guests without putting a big dent in your bank account.
  5. Participate in Secret Santa – Try something different this holiday season. Instead of buying gifts for everyone in your family, suggest the Secret Santa method! This is an easy and enjoyable gift exchange for everyone to participate in. A few weeks before Christmas, put the names of every member of the family in a hat or bucket, and have each person draw a name. They will then only have to buy a gift for that person. Not only will this help relieve some financial stress, it also serves the purpose of talking about the importance of service and giving during the holidays!

It is so easy to get all wrapped up into the spending cycle during the holidays, but hopefully with these hacks you will be able to find simple treasures and save money! If you’re looking for an extra special gift to give this holiday season, consider opening a savings account with us for your child – we’d love to be a part of the holiday spirit!

How To Protect Yourself From Identity Theft


The first step in protecting yourself from identity theft is understanding what identity theft actually is. It’s defined as “the illegal use of someone else’s personal information usually in order to obtain money or credit.”

Do you have a credit card?  If so, in a study by Experian, 81% of people said they rely on their banks and credit card companies to protect them from fraud. We don’t want you to fall in that 81%, so we offer these 5 ways you can protect yourself.

  1. Freeze your credit – This will restrict access to all of your records so that any new credit files cannot be opened, unless you unfreeze it. There may be an additional fee to do this, but it will vary depending on the state.
  2. Create stronger passwords – Many people love to use the same password for a variety of different sites. In the end you may think this is a good idea, however it’s not. Mixing up your passwords in addition to making them more difficult will decrease your risk of your identity being stolen. If it helps, write your passwords down for your specific sites but be sure to keep that information in a safe place. Random combinations of letters, numbers and special characters work best.
  3. Limit your personal information – Are your full name, birthdate and family members listed on your social media sites? If that information is out there, it’s likely that anyone can see it. Limit the amount of personal information you put on the internet and check your privacy settings. Fraudsters may also pose as a bank/credit card company over the phone asking for your information. But, no real company will call asking for your personal information. Therefore, don’t give anything away!
  4. Check your credit/financial reports – You are allowed a free credit report from each of the credit bureaus every 12 months on Credit reports will include any leery activity on your accounts, so check your credit reports frequently for any incorrect information.
  5. Use a shredder – Don’t have a shredder? We recommend you buy one, especially if you’re throwing away any credit card or bank statements. Documents like those should not be placed in the garbage unless they are shredded to pieces. If they’re placed in the garbage, anyone has the ability to find it and steal your information.

There’s no doubt that identity thieves are out there, so it’s up to you to take extra caution. With these helpful tips, we hope you can become extra successful at protecting yourself from identity theft.

5 Fun Money Challenges to Try


Finding different ways to save can be tough, however, we want to encourage you to stay on track and jumpstart your finances. With these fun money challenges, you can push yourself to become the savvy saver we know you can be!

  1.   52 Week Face Off

Instead of changing your spending habits overnight, try this challenge. Over the course of the year, you’ll end up with a grand slam total of $1,378. Start by putting one dollar in a jar the Monday of week number one. Increase it by a dollar each consecutive week to watch your savings grow. This means week two will get two dollars, then up to fifty-two on the last week.

  1.   Spare Change Stash

Those extra coins and dollar bills can add up in a hurry if you let them. Have your hubby or gal add to the stash as well to increase the amount saved. You can let this fund go towards a trip or that new couch you’ve been wanting. Challenging yourself to add to it every day, whether it’s a few leftover pennies or a couple dollar bills, will keep you engaged in your game.

  1.   No Spend Ordinance

Designate a “No Spend Day.” Every week, plan out your expenses so you will not spend a dime on Tuesdays – or whatever day you choose. You can also begin to track your expenses, as mentioned below, and cut out the luxuries. By only spending money on the necessities, you will have a greater appreciation for the little things… and a larger wallet!

  1.   Tracking Tangent

Track every single expense you make, even if it just costs a quarter. Try starting out with thirty days and lengthen the amount of days you track as time goes on. When you see what you spend money on, you’ll notice what items you can do without. Categorizing necessities against wants is a big step in deciding what you will continue to put cash towards.

  1.   Dine-In Deluxe

Eating out can put a dent in your wallet – and fast! Challenge yourself to eat at home for 30 days. You can find healthier recipes to test out and try new foods you may have not tried before. Look up different money saving recipes online to further your riches. Dining in can be a great way to spend quality time with your kids or loved one.

These money challenges have been tried and tested to help all types of savers. Put some of these ideas into action to grow your account. Once you have some cash to stash away, our savings accounts can help you have an accessible, safe place to put your new-found funds. Stop on in today to discuss your options!