Monthly Archives: August 2020


I’m in Debt – What Should I Do?

While struggling with debt isn’t uncommon, getting out of it as soon as possible is important. Student loans, car loans, credit cards and other payments can lead to your pile of debt getting bigger and bigger. So, what steps should you take if you are in debt? Keep reading to find out. 

1. Clean Out Your House & Sell What You Don’t Use 

Start small and simply sell the things you don’t need. You’d be surprised how many things you have around the house that you never use. While doing this won’t erase your debt, it will give you some extra money to put towards paying it off and help you recognize some of the unnecessary purchases you’ve made. 

2. Find a Side Job 

If you have a full-time job but have weekends open, finding a part-time job to fill that time would be extremely beneficial. Working on your days off might not seem ideal, but if you’re serious about paying off your debt, it’s a great step in the right direction. Just remember these circumstances are temporary and the bigger your steps towards erasing your debt are, the quicker you can get it done. 

3. Analyze Your Spending Habits 

The best way to understand your spending habits is to write all of your payments from the last month or two down on paper. Once you see everything in front of you, try dividing that into categories – necessary expenses (like rent, utilities, groceries, etc.) and unnecessary expenses (coffee trips, clothes, video games, etc.). Now that you see how much you’ve spend on things that aren’t necessary, start rethinking the way you handle your money every day. Next time you think of buying that cute shirt, ask yourself if you need it. These small purchases add up and the money could be put towards your debt, instead! 

4. Never Spend More Than You Make 

How do people get into debt? They spend more money than they’re bringing in. If you’re trying to get rid of debt, you definitely can’t be adding more money to that pile. Trim down your budget so you know you’re making more than you’re spending. The best way to know if you’re doing this is to simply track everything you spend and everything you make. At the end of your pay period, make sure the money earned is higher than the money spent. 

Paying off the debt you owe might seem like a big job, but freedom from debt starts with taking the first step. Start by implementing these effective tips into your daily life, stay organized and keep a positive mindset. Debt is temporary if you work hard and stay motivated! Get saving by opening a savings account with us today.


Online Safety Tips for Remote Workers

Whether you’ve been working from home for a while or just recently started, getting a refresher on staying safe online is always a good idea. Working remotely comes with being at risk for a cyber-attack, which can be dangerous for your private work data. Read these online security tips to ensure you’re doing what you can to keep cybercriminals away. 

Keep Your Work Covered 

It’s always nice to change up the scenery and visit a park or coffee shop to get some work done. Working in public does come with its concerns, so make sure you’re playing it safe. Don’t let those around you peek at your screen or see what work you’re doing. You never know what strangers are up to and it’s better to be safe than sorry. Cybercriminals can be anywhere! 

Always Use Strong Passwords 

Not only should your accounts be protected with a strong password, but your devices should be, too. Make sure your laptop, phone and other devices are locked with a secure password. Remember not to use the same password across multiple accounts – if one password is compromised, then all of your accounts could be taken over. A great tool for this is a password manager, which will create and remember strong and secure passwords for you. 

Set Up Two-Factor Authentication 

Along with having a strong password comes the importance of two-factor authentication. This will add an additional step to your login process to make sure your account is protected and not being hacked. Some common ways this works is through an email/text confirmation or fingerprint scan. Two-factor authentication ensures that, even if your password is compromised, you still have a backup plan in action. 

Beware of Public Wi-Fi 

Using public Wi-Fi is the prime way that cybercriminals are able to access your data. They’re using the same network as you, making it much easier for them to hack your device or accounts. If you’re doing work in a public place, use a personal hotspot or a VPN to encrypt your internet traffic, which would make it unreadable to others. 

We hope these tips were good reminders for those of you who work remotely. Cybersecurity is becoming more and more important as technology advances, so be sure to share this information with coworkers, family, friends and others you know who are working from home and contact us to learn how we can help you with all things finance!