Monthly Archives: July 2020


7 Daily Habits That Will Save You Money

Saving money doesn’t have to be complicated – there are habits to incorporate into your daily routine that will save you money in the long run. These tips are simple and easy to start but also very effective. It’s time to take control of your finances and make some healthy changes! 

1. Pay with cash 

Using a credit card for everyday purchases can be tempting and often lead to impulse buying. A good way to stick to your budget is to have a certain amount of cash for the week and use only that cash. This is also great because you can’t spend money that you don’t have. 

2. Do more things at home 

Too often we rely on other places to do tasks that can easily be done at home. For example, many people spend lots of money going out to eat, getting their car washed, stopping for coffee, getting their hair trimmed and more. These are all things that can be done for a much lower cost in the comfort of your own home! 

3. Check the secondhand shop first 

You never know what secondhand gems you can find until you try! Before making a purchase, check garage sales, thrift stores, the Facebook Marketplace or more to see what deals you can find. 

4. Schedule when to track your spending 

To hold yourself accountable for what you’re spending, it’s a good idea to track your spending. Plan a day you’ll do this each week, so it becomes a habit. It’s a great way to reflect on what purchases were necessary and which ones weren’t. There are lots of apps you can download to help with this. 

5. Be careful with your utilities 

Even though utilities are a recurring cost, there are still many ways to reduce how much you must pay. Try cutting costs by keeping lights off, taking shorter showers, opening your windows rather than cranking the AC, etc. These costs can add up so this is a great habit to start! 

6. Reevaluate memberships and subscriptions 

Go through all the subscriptions and memberships you pay for. Which ones are necessary and which ones aren’t? Save yourself some unneeded costs by getting rid of some monthly payments. 

7. Take time to think before you buy 

Before making a non-essential purchase, give yourself a few days to think about it. Only follow through with the purchase if after those days you still really want it to help reduce impulse buying. 

We hope these tips will make a difference in the way you handle finances in your everyday life. Turning these seven things into habits will certainly pay off in the long run, so give them a shot! 


Know These Safety Tips Before Shopping Online

As fun and entertaining as online shopping is, there are many things to consider in terms of safety. Websites that may look real could be scams, products that look great could be knockoffs, and stores you think are reliable could take advantage of your card information. Keep reading to find out how to stay safe online while you’re shopping. 

Read Customer Reviews 

One of the greatest parts about online shopping is reading about others’ experiences with the company or product so you know what to expect. One easy way to see if a product is reliable is to scroll down to the reviews section and see what other customers had to say. Be careful, though, as some customer reviews could be spam placed there for potential customers to be tricked into buying the product they have their eye on.  

Make Sure the Website is Secure 

This simple double-check could save you lots of trouble while online shopping. Simply take a look at the URL of the website you’re shopping on to see if it’s secure. If it starts with “https” instead of “http,” that means the website will keep your data secure. This is very important since you want the card information you’re entering to be safe. 

Avoid Public Wi-Fi 

Your personal Wi-Fi or data is the smartest option when online shopping. Public Wi-Fi comes with its dangers since cybercriminals that are using the same network as you can hack into your information much easier. While browsing and shopping around using a public network isn’t harmful, don’t make any purchases until you’re connected to your own secure Wi-Fi. 

Do Some Research 

This is especially important when shopping from a business you’ve never purchased from before. Just checking reviews doesn’t always do the job – it’s smart to do some research about the retailer so you know they’re legitimate. If you’re shopping on a well-known company’s website, double check the link to make sure you’re on the real website and not a fake one.  

Now that you know how important it is to stay safe online, you’ll be able to implement these tips next time you shop. Stay smart with your online purchases and feel free to contact us with any questions. Happy shopping!