Monthly Archives: February 2020

How Do I Pay Off My Debt?


Extreme amounts of debt can weigh heavy on your shoulders. It has been found that extreme amounts of debt are linked to higher rates of suicide and depression. This is why it’s so important to have an understanding of good debt vs. bad debt and how you can go about paying back your debt efficiently. 

Don’t Let it Define Your Life

You, of course, want to have your debt paid off as soon as possible. However, letting it define the value of your life is counterintuitive to being able to pay off the debt. You can enjoy your life while simultaneously paying off debt. A common saying about paying off debt is to think of it as a marathon and not a sprint. You aren’t going to have all of the debt paid off at once, but consistent payments will help get you there instead of burning out from sprinting.

Be Careful Who You Surround Yourself With 

It’s hard to stick to a budget when you’re surrounding yourself with friends who want you to spend money with them. It’s difficult to say no to socializing because of the money. At the same time, you should be surrounding yourself with people who understand your financial priorities and support you in those goals. Spend time meeting with financial experts to help guide you in your investments and debt management. 

Press Pause on Credit Cards

While credit cards are a great tool when used correctly, they can be a hindrance to paying off debt. Do your best to refrain from using them until you have your debt under control. 

Utilize Extra Income

If you receive a bonus or a pay increase, place all or a portion of those funds towards your debt. You won’t notice the difference, besides seeing the decrease in your debt to income ratio!

Start a Payment Plan 

In order to keep the momentum going, you should start paying off your most expensive debts first. This typically means the highest interest. Establish a set amount that you will pay each month and work it into your budget. Your amount should be more than the minimum payment due. 

Don’t let your debt take over your life. Get control of your dues today!

Cybersecurity Safety Tips for Your Business


Don’t let living your dream of owning your own business end because of cybercrime. Stay on top of the latest defenses when it comes to cybercrime by implementing even one of these tips for your business. 

Never Assume You Are 100% Secure

Unfortunately, you can never be fully protected against a cyber threat. The minute you sit back and think that you are invulnerable is the best time for a cybercriminal to strike. There will always be a new potential threat. There may even be an employee mistake or a broken piece of data. It’s important to always be looking for ways to improve security. 

Amp Up Authentication

Every point of digital access to the internal working of your company should be blocked by outsiders with authentication. Authentication is a way of signing into a device with a code only authorized users have access to. Many companies are switching to Multi-Factor Authentication, which requires users to confirm their identity twice, often through the device and then a phone. This is simply an added layer of protection. 

Hire a Hacker

Not all hackers are ill-intentioned. Many work legally to help businesses discover the risks of penetrability. They will be able to evaluate areas that can use strengthening. 

Email Education

The weakest point of business cyber defense is often employees. Even if the worker is well-intentioned, they can still make defense mistakes. One common area of cybercrime is email. It’s an easy way for the perpetrator to access your company internally. This is why it’s important to not only have spam filters but ensure that all employees go through email education so they know what a suspicious email looks like. 

Be Aware of Personal Device Risks

Many businesses allow workers to bring in their personal devices and use them to conduct business. This can be dangerous, as there is likely not the same security software on their personal devices that you have for your business. This is another way for cybercriminals to get into your business’s information. One way to help with this and to still allow your employees the freedom of using their personal devices is to establish a “Bring Your Own Device” policy

Get on the Cloud

Keep your important business information on the Cloud, in order to avoid it getting taken from you forever. It’s currently the most used technology for small businesses. You can utilize it for managing finances, storing, sharing and accessing information from anywhere. 

These are just some of the basics of business cybersecurity. They are all fairly inexpensive and can likely save you from a headache of trouble if you were to get hacked. For more information on cybersecurity tips or business accounts, give us a call!