Monthly Archives: February 2019

Top Ten Cybersecurity Tips


With our reliance on technology increasing in nearly every facet of our lives, it is more important than ever that you are educated on how to protect yourself and your assets from cyber threats. Hackers are interested in anyone and everyone’s information. It does not matter if you don’t think you have anything worth stealing. Your identity itself is incredibly valuable on the black market. Take the proper precautions and follow these simple cybersecurity tips!

1. Put a lock on all of your systems.

We mean this not only for your devices but on your smart systems, too. If you don’t have a lock on your router, you want to get one immediately. A cybercriminal will be able to log onto your Wi-Fi and gain access to any device using your internet. This is another reason why you should never log on to any wireless internet that does not require a passcode. Every time you walk away from a device, whether it be your phone or a laptop, make sure that you have locked it with a passcode.

2. Pay inside.

We know the weather isn’t exactly warm anymore and you want to get the chore of filling your gas tank over with quickly. However, pay at the pump services pose a risk. Like an ATM, gas pumps can have card skimmers. Take your card to the friendly face behind the counter inside.

3. Always backup your data.

Ransomware is when a hacker takes your data and refuses to release it until a price is paid. We can say with a fair amount of certainty, they will never give you your data, no matter how much you pay. To avoid being in this situation, consistently remove data you don’t need and save what you do on a cloud-based system.

4. Keep your friends close.

We are going against the notorious saying. Keep your friends close and your enemies as far away as possible. When you get a friend request from someone that you do not know, be suspicious. Play it safe and decline these persons unless you have at least 20 mutual friends.

5. BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

We are sorry to say it, but you can’t always trust that your friend will stay as up-to-date on security measures as you. However, you can certainly alert them to this blog! Until then, don’t use anyone’s devices but your own, as you can be hacked from unknown sources.

6. Question before connection.

This ties into #4, but just because you are on LinkedIn, doesn’t mean it is a platform where cybercrime does not happen. Be wary of who is trying to connect with you, as they may be trying to steal basic information about you to use to hack your accounts.

7. Smarten up your phone.

Your phone may have come with some automatic security measures, but you can take it further. Be sure to turn your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth off when they are not in use. If you have sensitive information on your phone, you can install an encryption system as a safeguard.

8. Get your apps together.

You likely have apps on your phone that you haven’t used in months. You probably haven’t done the necessary updates to the app and it may not be safe to keep storing it on your phone. More apps can equal more risk, so clean them up.

9. Free Wi-Fi isn’t always free.

If you’re like most people, you connect with public Wi-Fi whenever it is available. We suggest not doing this, as it may not be secure. There may be criminals who try to access your device through the wireless internet to steal your information.

10. Don’t say, “It can’t happen to me.”

Most importantly, you need to realize that no one is immune from a cyber attack. Cybercriminals will take whatever they can get. Don’t let yourself become the next victim.

Ignorance of this threat is not an option now that you know some great ways to avoid being hacked. Be sure you’re staying safe when online. Our Online and Mobile Banking services offer the security you need to bank efficiently.

Why Choose a Local Bank?


Whether in bustling cities or the rural Midwest, community banks improve lives in the communities they serve. This seems to be a popular notion across the nation, as can be seen by their large local support. According to the ICBA, community banks make up 96 percent of all banking institutions in the country. They are successful because they work and are a positive light in the community.

You take great care when it comes to choosing a financial institution that you trust. If you haven’t made the switch to a local bank yet, here are just a few reasons why you may want to make the switch.

1. They support community organizations.
While we can’t speak for every community bank, Milledgeville State Bank makes it a priority to give back to the area. We realize the importance of donating to local charities and even encourage employees to volunteer to local regions of need. Every individual at every level of service in the bank is personally connected to the community and wants to see it thrive.

2. They have the same state of the art resources of big banks.
Some may think that community banks are still in the Stone Age when it comes to technology. This could not be further from the truth. We know that the future of banking is online and we have made it a priority to meet our customers in a way that is easiest for them.

Customers can access their account information, make deposits or withdrawals when the office is closed or if they are traveling out of the area. Although, we still love to see your smiling face in person when you have a chance to come into one of our locations.

In addition to being technologically up-to-date, we have competitive individual and business services that a big bank has to offer, but likely at a better rate.

3. They have a personal approach to lending.
Unlike big banks, we know our customers. Our kids might play baseball with yours or we may have even gone to high school together. Whatever the case, our approach to lending is more personal, because it is personal. We take a more rounded approach to lending instead of simply seeing you as a credit number like a large bank might do. We are here to serve the average Joe and play no favorites.

4. They maintain great customer service.
Community banking is about relationships. With that comes a customer service approach that is caring and helpful. You will likely see the same people working there every time you need assistance and can develop relationships. You are able to really feel like your bank is looking out for you because they know you and have your family’s best interests at heart.

5. They invest in the community.
Because they are a small business themselves, community banks value local businesses and understand the benefit they have on the economy. When you invest locally, the entire community prospers. We aren’t interested in siphoning out investments to Wall Street. Right here is where we want to be and see the area grow.

We can’t wait to meet you. Stop by our bank to see all the benefits our products can offer you!