Monthly Archives: December 2018

Protect Yourself From Social Networking Site Hacks


In the world of social media, everything nowadays is online and public for all to view. With the numerous updates we face every day, it’s important to keep yourself up-to-date on what social networking sites share to others and how you can limit those settings. Protect yourself online with these simple tips to start!

Be Cautious When Adding Friends

Being constantly bombarded with friend requests and follows slowly weakens your cautiousness. You begin to accept more people without really digging in. This makes you a target for hackers. When someone has a friend in common on Facebook, this doesn’t mean you should just add them. Make sure you truly know the person before accepting a follow/friend request. Comb through your friends list now and delete those you don’t know.

Update Your Privacy Settings

It’s important to update your privacy settings so only friends and followers can see your posts. Hackers and other unwanted viewers are able to see your posts and photos if you keep things on public. Facebook answers some common privacy settings questions here.

Don’t Enable Auto Login

Yes, it’s easier to have your phone and computer “remember” your password and username. However, if someone were to gain access to your phone, they would automatically have access to all material and credit card info that is auto saved on sites.

Change Passwords Frequently

This may be an old tip, but it is the MOST important. Changing your password every 30-60 days and making sure it’s different from your other accounts will increase your security online exponentially.

Stop Geotagging

This is one of the most dangerous features now enabled on social networks and devices. Most people don’t realize Twitter and Instagram both use geotagging (which stores the latitude and longitude of your Tweet or image) for everything you send out. Pictures you take on an iPhone usually store geotagging information as well. This gives unwanted people way too much information about your location. See how you can turn this feature off on an iPhone and iPad here.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

This feature has become an important addition to many social networking sites. It can be frustrating when trying to log in on a new device, but enabling Two-Factor Authentication means you will be alerted right away if someone is trying to log in.

These security tips are easy ways to start down the path of becoming more secure while online. It’s better to be aware of the features these sites hold and know exactly how they can help or hurt you. At Milledgeville State Bank, we take pride in how secure our clients’ information is and aim to help others protect themselves.

6 Steps To Improve Your Finances


Staying on top of your finances can prove challenging, especially when bills, debt, daily expenses and saving come into play. Finding your way to financial freedom takes time which is why Milledgeville State Bank has compiled a few steps you can take to improve your finances.

Coupon Like Crazy

Some people always pay full price for items. Nowadays, there should be no reason to empty your wallet to that extreme. You can go old school and buy extra newspapers when the coupons are good. We also recommend that you utilize the clearance rack, sign up for free trials and collect rewards cards. Technology also gives you the capability to search coupon sites and download coupon apps, which gives you a plethora of options to save!

Increase Your 401(k)

Even if it is just by 1%, increasing the amount of money you are putting into your 401(k) can change the end results dramatically. It’s always important to think about your future, as you’ll need those funds to support you and your family. Employers may also match your 401(k) to a certain amount, so be sure to know what your company offers and use that to its fullest.

Add To Your Emergency Fund

Now that you are a little more established, a few hundred to a thousand dollars won’t cut it anymore. Your house may need reroofing, you might have to buy a new car or your deductible won’t cover a certain emergency or procedure. These unexpected events will cost a pretty penny, so upping your emergency fund will protect you.

Make An Extra Payment Towards A Debt

If you were able to cut expenses this month, put that saved money towards a debt. Pay off a little extra of your car payment or student loans. The Snowball Method teaches you to start by paying off the smallest debts first while paying the minimum on larger debts. Then keep snowballing to the biggest one as time goes on. Always utilize this tip when extra money comes your way, as becoming debt free is the ultimate goal!

Create A Will

According to AARP, “78 percent of millennials (ages 18-36) and 64 percent of Generation Xers (ages 37-52) do not have a will.” This is a crucial step in your financial life to not have planned out. No matter what age, you have finances, dependents and property that will be left unattended if something were to happen to you. Be sure to get a will put into place, so your assets can be handled correctly.

Get on track with your finances and tame your budget with these simple tips! If you need any assistance with a savings account or future planning, give us a call or stop in. Aiding you through your financial journey is what we’re here for.